
Pedal is a mobile app designed for driving instructors, offering a simple solution to manage their business efficiently. It consolidates scheduling, student management, and lesson planning into an intuitive platform available on iOS and Android.

It has features such as lesson progress tracking, finance breakdowns, and push notifications for TAX, MOT, and lesson reminders. This allows instructors to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

Tech Stack

Pedal was built using React Native (Expo) for the app and Laravel for the backend. They communicate via a RESTful API, allowing for seamless data transfer between the frontend and backend.

External APIs:
• FireText - Handles all SMS needs such as user authentication and student reminders
• Bing API - Provides map-related data like distance calculations and postcode to lat/long conversions
• Stripe - Facilitates payment integration for Pedal Pro (Laravel Cashier)
• DVLA VES API - Accesses vehicle MOT and TAX information


Pedal is currently in testing with a small group of driving instructors. The app is expected to be released on the App Store and Google Play Store in Q1 of 2025.